Laboratory: Clinical Biochemistry
Test Name:
Test Code: ALDU
Clinical Information:
Description:  Aldosterone is reported with urine sodium and creatinine.

Test Indications: Investigating primary aldosteronism (eg, adrenal adenoma/carcinoma and adrenal cortical hyperplasia) and secondary aldosteronism (eg, renovascular disease, salt depletion, potassium loading, cardiac failure with ascites, pregnancy, Bartter syndrome) in conjunction with urine sodium levels.


Collection Devices:
Similar lab approved leak-proof containers acceptable.
Specimen Required:
Urine: 10.0 mL

Collection Information: Collect urine over a 24-hour period in a container with no preservative. Collection container must be stored refrigerated (not frozen) during collection.


PB110-50-01ENG Patient Brochure 24 Hour Urine Collection

Special Processing: Record total 24h volume. Mix well, aliquot and store frozen.

Specimen Stability:

Refrigerated: 5 days

Frozen: 4 weeks at -20oC or 18 months at -80°C

Urine: 10.0 mL

Shipping & Storage: Store and ship frozen. 

Testing Laboratory (MB): Send specimen to Health Sciences Centre - MS5


Reference Values:
AgeReference Interval
0 - <14yReference intervals are not established.
≥14y3 – 78 nmol/day

Method of Analysis: DiaSorin Chemiluminescence

Within 1 Week
See Also:
More Information:
Interpretation & Assay Interferences: The assay is not affected by concentrations of bilirubin up to 40 mg/dL, hemoglobin up to 600 mg/dL, or triglycerides up to 3000 mg/dL.