Laboratory: Clinical Biochemistry  (METABOLIC)
Test Name:
Test Code: ALAU
Clinical Information:
Description: Measurement of Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) and Porphobilinogen (PBG) by LC-MSMS.
Test Indication: This test is use in the differential diagnosis of the various acute porphyrias.

Patient Preparation Instructions: Patient should abstain from alcohol for 24 hours prior to and during testing.
Collection Devices:
Preferred Device:
1 - Urine Collection 12 mL Tube

Urine Collection 12 mL Tube
Manufacturer: Sarstedt Canada Inc. (vendor)

Catalogue #:
 - Collect a random urine specimen. Collected in a container protected from light, without preservative.
This collection is not suitable for urinary Porphyrins
Specimen Required:
Urine: 10.0 mL
Pediatric Urine: 5.0 mL

Collection Information: Collect a random urine specimen. Collected in a container protected from light, without preservative.
This collection is not suitable for urinary Porphyrins
Specimen Stability:
Ambient: N/A
Refrigerated: 7 days
Frozen:  6 months
Pediatric Urine: 5.0 mL

Shipping & Storage: Store and send sample refrigerated/frozen and protected from light to the Metabolic Lab
Reference Values:
                        μmol/mmol creatinine
1 - 8 y:              2.0-5.3
9 - 17 y:            1.3-4.6
>17 y:               < 4.7
Method of Analysis: Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Within 2 Weeks
See Also:
More Information:
If you have any questions, please communicate with the Metabolic Lab (HSC): 204-787-4530
Reject due to: Not protected from light, preservative, not refrigerated or frozen.