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Laboratory: Clinical Biochemistry
Test Name:
Test Code: MIS8
Clinical Information:
This test is useful for:
•  Proving the presence of Lp X in the setting of cholestatic jaundice.  Possible cause of pseudohyponatremia without lipemia [Case presentation:  Klinke, J.A., et al. Quetiapine-associated cholestasis causing lipoprotein-X and pseudohyponatraemia. J. Clin. Path. 63.8 (2010): 741-743].
•  Assistance in the diagnosis of steroid sulfatase deficiency.
•  Definitive proof of the absence of beta or alpha lipoprotein.
•  The investigation of normolipemic plane xanthoma [patients with a monoclonal against a lipoprotein show positivity to both lipid and protein stains on same gel].
Collection Devices:
Specimen Required:

Serum: 1.0 mL

Prefer fasting sample (10-14 hour fast).  EDTA plasma also acceptable.  Send specimen to Biochemistry Lab without delay.
Reference Values:
LpX:  undetectable
An interpretive report will be sent.
Within 4 Weeks
See Also:
More Information:
Send specimen to Health Sciences Centre - MS5 for referral to St. Paul’s Hospital.  Sample must be analyzed within 3-5 days of collection.  If sample expected to arrive at St. Paul’s Hospital > 3 days, MUST call ahead (604-806-8810) to arrange time sensitive testing.
DO NOT FREEZE.  Store and ship refrigerated temperature to:
St. Paul’s Hospital
Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory
2nd Floor Providence Bldg.
1081 Burrard St.
Vancouver, BC  V6Z 1Y6