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Laboratory: Hematology
Test Name:
Test Code: HEL
Clinical Information:
Test  performed at:  St. Boniface General Hospital, Hematology
Referrals must include results from a CBC, a freshly made unstained peripheral blood film, and a sample (or results) for ferritin assay,  with a completed requisition with clinical information and ordering physician contact information.  Samples should be stored and shipped at refrigerated temperature.
Collection Devices:
Preferred Devices:
2 - EDTA 4 mL NO GEL Tube(s) - Full Tube Collection

EDTA 4 mL NO GEL Tube(s) - Full Tube Collection
Manufacturer: Becton Dickinson & Company

Catalogue #: 367861
 - Adults:  2 - EDTA 4 mL NO GEL tube (1 for Hemoglobin Electrophoresis and 1 for CBC)
ALSO require 1 - Li Heparin 4 mL for Ferritin
- And -
3 - Microtainer(s) - EDTA, NO GEL (0.5 mL) to fill line

Microtainer(s) - EDTA, NO GEL (0.5 mL) to fill line
Manufacturer: Becton Dickinson & Company

Catalogue #: 363706
 - Pediatrics:  3 Microtainers - EDTA NO GEL (2 for Hemoglobin Electrophoresis and 1 for CBC) ALSO require 2 microtainers - Li Heparin PST (0.6 mL) for Ferritin
Neonates:  3 EDTA Microtainers only (no ferritin testing)
Specimen Required:
Blood: 12.0 mL
Pediatric Blood: 2.7 mL

For pediatric and neonate collections, collect capillary blood.

Reference Values:
See Report.
See Also:
More Information:
Forward to SBH Hematology, L4006.  Samples should be stored and shipped at refrigerated temperature.  Clinical information section of the requisition must be completed.  Samples for electrophoresis must be less than 5 days from the time of collection.