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Laboratory: Pathology
Test Name:
Test Code: SRGP
Clinical Information:
Alternate Name(s): DIF

Test Indications: Useful in diagnosing cutaneous vasculitis and some other types of inflammatory skin disease such as small vessel vasculitis, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Lichen planus, porphyria cutanea tarda, some adverse cutaneous reactions to drugs and photosensitivity rashes.  

HSC:  to request Michel’s Medium contact HSC IMMUNOPATHOLOGY LAB (1-204-787-1513)  (Weekdays:  0800 - 1500 hrs)  External Sites:  fax Pathology Supply Request Form (204-940-2470)
Collection in Normal Saline:
Skin biopsy must arrive at HSC Immunopathology lab within 2 hours from collection and before 1500h.
If it will not arrive within 2 hours, see collection in Michel’s Medium.  Place skin biopsy into a sterile jar containing normal saline.
Skin biopsy should not be allowed to dry out.
Collection in Michel’s Medium:
Fresh skin biopsy should be placed in Michel’s transport medium ASAP and delivered to the lab within 5 days of collection.
Skin biopsy should not be allowed to dry out.
Store in fridge until transported.  Do not freeze.
Do not freeze the transport medium, place on cold pack or ice.
1. For sites within Winnipeg, arrange for transportation to HSC Immunopathology lab through established courier service - 1-hour service.
Notify HSC cutting room that a skin biopsy is being sent (204-787-4611).  If procedure occurs at SBH, send to SBH lab and lab will send to HSC.
2. For sites outside of Winnipeg, please contact HSC cutting room to notify/discuss transportation of the specimen (1-204-787-4611). Each site is responsible for shipment arrangements of their specimens to HSC.  Track unscheduled shipments with a Fax / Fax Back Sheet 170-10-08.

Note: Ensure that specimen will not freeze during transportation to HSC Immunopathology Lab.
Internal additional information:  170-10-19, 170-10-18

Collection Devices:
Preferred Device:
1 - Sterile Specimen Container (100 mL)

Sterile Specimen Container (100 mL)

Catalogue #:
 - Submit in normal saline if the container will arrive at the HSC lab within 2 hours from collection.  Submit in Michel’s Medium otherwise.  
Specimen Required:

Specimen Type: Tissue, skin tissue

Special Processing: Biopsies for routine tissue examination are frequently done concurrently with biopsies for DIF studies.  If both are required; submit one piece for DIF as stated here on this page and one piece as formalin fixed tissue-see Tissue Examination-Routine section for routine biopsy submission.  

Specimen Stability:

Refrigerated: Store in fridge until transported *should be transported within 2 hrs. 


Do NOT allow to dry out.  Submerse in normal saline or Michel’s medium (depending on time line of delivery) ASAP

Reference Values:
A descriptive report will be issued.
Within 3 Weeks
See Also:
More Information:
All specimens must be properly labeled with appropriate patient identification. All specimens must be accompanied by a completed Pathology requisition. pertinent information including patient demographics, clinical history, physician’s name and specimen type is required as per DSM Specimen Acceptance Policy 10-50-03.

Biopsies for routine tissue examination are frequently done concurrently with biopsies for DIF studies.
Please ensure biopsies for routine and DIF studies are clearly labelled and submitted appropriately to avoid duplication or omission of the desired investigations required (see Tissue Examination-Routine  section for routine biopsy submission).